News and Events
2 December 2022: Book launch in Utrecht
On 2 December, our main output, the handbook “The European Experience. A Multi-Perspective History of Modern Europe, 1500–2000“, will be presented to the public at Utrecht University. We have invited Sonja Levsen (Professor of Modern History at the University of Trier) and Jörg Requate (Professor of History of Western Europe 18th-20th century at the University of Kassel) to act as commentators of the handbook. They are the editors of EuropeDebate, a platform that is close to the aims and scope of this project, so it will be interesting to hear what they make of our book.
30 September 2022: Final Conference in Brussels
On 30 September, the TEH21 project will host a final conference at the House of European History in Brussels, where the outcomes of the last three years will be presented to the public. Participants will be treated to three keynote lectures about European history and can choose from a range of workshops based on the outputs of the project. More information and registration here.

29 September 2022: Transnational Project Meeting in Brussels
A day before our public conference, representatives of all project partners will meet at the House of European History in Brussels to discuss the final steps needed to be taken to bring the project to a successful end.
27-28 June 2022: Transnational Project Meeting in Madrid
On 27-28 June, the representatives of all participating partners will meet at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid to discuss the progress of the project so far and the final months ahead.
20-22 May 2022: Intensive Study Program in Prague
On 20-22 May, students and lecturers from all participating universities will meet at Charles University Prague for our final Intensive Study Program.
8-10 November 2021: Intensive Study Program in Lille
On 8-10 November, our partners at Université de Lille will host students from all participating universities for an intensive workshop using the outputs produced by the project.
Towards a history education for the 21st Century: An interview with Dr. Jochen Hung
Jochen Hung, the coordinator of the TEH21 project, spoke to about the challenges and opportunities for history education at university level in Europe, and how TEH21 addresses these issues.
14-16 April 2021: Intensive Study Program in Utrecht (online)
On 14-16 April the project will host an Intensive Study Program for a select group of European students.
3-7 April 2020: Intensive Study Programme in Utrecht – CANCELLED
The first Intensive Study Programme at Utrecht University has been cancelled due to the developing Corona pandemic.
8-9 October 2019: Kick-off meeting in Utrecht
On 8-9 October 2019, the core team of TEH21 will meet in Utrecht to kick off the project and lay the groundwork for the next three years.